Der Die Das app does not collect or process personal data. Your use of the app is anonymous. Der Die Das app uses Google Analytics for statistical analyses about the way the app is used (such as information on how users navigate, how much time is spent in the app, how often users visit the app, indications about language skills etc.). See​technologies/partner-sites regarding how Google uses information from apps that use its services. IP anonymization is applied in Google Analytics, so we cannot track back your use of the app to you. (see this article for more details​analytics/answer/2763052). Der Die Das app displays HTML content from several domains under that is operated by nonprofit organization Wikimedia Foundation. You do not need to provide any personal information in order to use their web sites. You can review their privacy policy at​wiki/Privacy_policy. By using Der Die Das app, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.